Showing posts with label Theophany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Theophany. Show all posts

Closing Shopify Store: 'Naught Must Go!'—Turning Now Forever Intangible Unsold Products into Vocabulary Lessons

In this video, the founder of WearYourDictionary discusses the closing of their Shopify store, titled 'Naught Must Go!'—a playful and ironic twist on the traditional clearance sale. The video reflects on the store's unsold print-on-demand products, which were intangible designs posted on WearYourDictionary's Shopify store. Instead of viewing the closure as a failure, the founder uses this moment to generate vocabulary lessons, exploring the dictionary entries that were available in the store. It's a thoughtful pivot, turning the loss of a shop into valuable educational content.

Apanthropy [アパンスロッピー] - An aversion to human company; love of solitude.
Monomachia [モーノーマッチア] - (obsolete) A duel; single combat.
Theophany [シーオファニー] - A manifestation of a deity to a person.
Morass [モラス] - (figurative) Anything that entraps or makes progress difficult.
Parapsychology [パラサイコロジー] - The study of that which cannot yet be explained; psychic or occult phenomena, such as telepathy and ghosts.
Noctivagant [ノクティバガント] - Walking or wandering in the nighttime, nightwandering. Philadelphia lawyer - [フィラデルフィア・ローヤ] (US) A clever, crafty, or otherwise extremely adroit practitioner of law.
Associationism [アソーシーエーショニズム] - (psychology) A theory that association (of experiences etc) is the basis of consciousness and mental activity 
Byronic [バイロニック] - Of or pertaining to British Romantic poet George Gordon Byron (1788-1824) or his writings. 
Fatalism [フェータリズム] - The doctrine that all events are subject to fate or inevitable necessity, or determined in advance in such a way that human beings cannot change them. 
Growlery [グローラーリー] - A place to retreat to, alone, when ill-humoured. 
Liticaphobia - the irrational fear of lawsuits or being sued by someone 
Scientism [サイエンティズム] - The belief that the scientific method and the assumptions and research methods of the physical sciences are applicable to all other disciplines (such as the humanities and social sciences), or that those other disciplines are not as valuable. 
Pluralism [プルアラリズム] (politics) - The acknowledgement of a diversity of political systems. Orthopraxy - Right belief combined with right practice, with the emphasis being on the latter, a term specially used in Latin American liberation theology, often in contrast with an orthodoxy seen as insufficiently interested in the practical and political content of faith. 
Pulchritudinous [パルクリトユーディナス] - (literary) Having great physical beauty 
Quietism [クァイエティズム] - A form of mysticism involving quiet contemplation. 
Solivagant [ソリバギャント] - wandering alone
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